13 Effective Ways to Make 2019 Exceptional

It’s unbelievable to think, but we started 2019 debt free. I never would have imagined the possibility of achieving a debt freedom status so soon. What’s even more amazing is now we’re at a point where buying a house is going to be something we hope to accomplish in 2019. So more to come on that later this year.

Now that we’ve started the new year I thought I would take the time to offer 13 ways to help you make 2019 exceptional and better than 2018. Obviously, there are so many different ways and actions you can take to do great things this year and I hope you explore as many as you can. Ok, let’s get to it.

1. Carefully choose the company you keep around yourself

This is a no brainer. Motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. I 100% agree with this. You truly become more and more like the people you hang out with. This is why you’ve got to be careful with who you surround yourself with. Be mindful of the influence those people are having on you.

2. Take your finances seriously

The earlier the better. Don’t add unnecessary debt. Budget, save, and spend wisely. If you need a budget and other free financial tools, just subscribe to the Habesha Finance newsletter and receive one financial checklist with a bunch of tools and education to help you take your finances seriously. Let this be the year you finally break away from being broke and wasteful.

3. Take time to say sorry

Even when you don’t feel like doing so. Yes, I know this is difficult. I know how hard saying sorry to someone you don’t like can be. But do it. Living with that type of emotional weight on your shoulders is not beneficial to you. The sooner you can make amends or at least try to the better of you’ll be. Make your peace and start living your life free.

4. Cherish each moment you have with your loved ones

Do not take a day for granted. Remember to say, “I love you” to the people in your life you care about. They need to hear this and you need to say it. And each day that you have with them could be the last so be mindful of this difficult truth and cherish the moments you have with them.

5. Give, what you can (time and/or money)

When people think of giving, we often think of monetary donations. However, this is not the case. If you are physically able, then doing something to help those in need is enough. Reading books to orphan children, feeding the homeless, or collecting winter clothing are all types of community service activities that don’t cost you a thing. So, find a good and highly rated charity at Charity Navigator and start making a difference. You will be happy that you did.

6. Exercise

Not just your body, but exercise your mind as well. Schedule a physical check up. Don’t think you’re the exception to diseases and sicknesses. I don’t care how old you are. I’ve been getting yearly check ups since I was 28 and will continue to do so every year until I’m gone.

7. Set goals and establish a plan to achieve those goals

Find a friend or two to review your goals and hold you accountable. These goals can be anything from getting out of debt to losing 15 pounds. Maybe you have a course you’d like to take. Whatever the goal is, you have to make a plan and post it somewhere like your fridge or bathroom mirror. That way you’re reminded of those goals every day.

8. Start investing

There’s so much worry over the stock market lately that you think it’s the end of the world. I, for one am going to continue to do what I’ve been doing for the last 8 years. Keep investing in my index funds. If you haven’t started investing I suggest doing some research and looking at different brokerage firms to do your investing with. Each one has it’s strengths and weaknesses. My top 3 I’ve come to like are Vanguard, Charles Schwab, and Fidelity.

9. Go somewhere you’ve never been

Traveling overseas may not be something you’re into and that’s ok. However, there has to be a part of the city or state you live in that you’ve never visited. Either way, make plans with your time and your budget to visit somewhere you’ve never been and enjoy life in unfamiliar territory. Just be safe.

10. Cut one subscription out of your life

We started our 2019 with 1 less subscription that we’re paying for. That’s Amazon Prime. We cancelled our Prime subscription and recommend you do the same with something you’re paying for monthly that you really don’t use. This will be a great benefit, especially if you have debt you want to knock down this year.

11. Read 4 books

As always, I keep telling you all how reading is fundamental! This year is no exception. I urge you to take time to try to read 4 books this year. Last year I read three and so this year my goal is to add 1. Some of you can read 4 books in one month, but for many of us who have difficulty doing this should be fine with one book for each quarter of the year. And I would go as far to say pick one personal finance book, one fiction book, one (auto)biography and one book of whatever genre you want. The idea is to keep your brain active and thinking each and every year.

12. Double-check beneficiaries for all your policies

You shouldn’t have to do this right? However, there has been some reports of beneficiaries being removed or disappearing from life insurance policies and 401(k) plans that I thought it would be a good idea to mention this. Wouldn’t hurt to take 5 minutes out of your day to make sure your loved ones are taken care of.

13. Update/change passwords

The easiest thing to do with technology is to become relaxed and careless. It’s important to change your passwords for your emails and memberships so that you protect your data that is out there. Also, storing your usernames and passwords in a VERY, VERY safe place only your spouse or someone you highly trust can access is important too. If something were to happen to you, having the access to your online accounts will make things easier for them to do what they have to. It’s not easy to think about, but this is something that you can do now that can make life easy for others in unfortunate situations.

What are some ways you have for 2019 to make this year exceptional? Comment below!


Hi! I'm Matt, an engineer on the path to financial independence and early retirement. One of my greatest passions is to teach and give people the tools and knowledge to reach their full potential in life. Subscribe to the Habesha Finance newsletter and get your FREE financial checklist today!