7 Financial Decisions To Help YOU Manage Your Money Better Today

Many of you are beginning to receive your stimulus checks and enhanced unemployment benefits. In this video I share some important decisions to consider to help you better manage the money you’re receiving.

  1. Budget! – Necessities
  2. Save in a HYSA – Ally Bank 1.5% or American Express 1.65%, no minimus or fees, FDIC insured, takes a day to access.
  3. Build up your emergency fund: 3-6 months → 6-12 months
  4. Stop contributing to investing. We stopped contributing to our 401k, but we haven’t changed anything as far as allocation strategy.
  5. Invest if you can. Some people are in a place where they can invest and may see this as an opportunity to buy stocks, mutual funds, etc. for cheap.
  6. Beware of scammers. 
  7. Life insurance and have a will.


Hi! I'm Matt, an engineer on the path to financial independence and early retirement. One of my greatest passions is to teach and give people the tools and knowledge to reach their full potential in life. Subscribe to the Habesha Finance newsletter and get your FREE financial checklist today!